When should your baby start wearing newborn shoes?

 As parents, you may be too eager to adorn your little one’s feet with a smart and trendy pair of shoes. But you’re also going to be super curious about what age your baby can start wearing shoes and what kind of shoes you must buy. Well, look no further – your questions are answered in this post. Here, ACB Baby Store have tried to answer most questions parents have about shoes for babies, including the right time to buy the first pair. Read on for more information.

When to Buy Baby’s First Pair of Shoes

So, when do babies need newborn shoes, or when can you put shoes on a baby? If this question has been popping into your head, we suggest that you wait at least until the time your baby is ready to walk outdoors. When your baby is learning to walk, you must let him go barefoot. This is because going barefoot can help your baby gather coordination and balance his steps better.

Should Pre-Walkers Wear Shoes?

Many parents wonder if babies should wear shoes while they are learning how to walk. Well, it is not highly recommended for young babies. You may, however, use shoes to protect your baby’s feet from cold or injury, says ACB Baby Store, but it may be better to let your baby roam about barefoot. If you are keen on getting shoes for your little one who is still learning to walk, you may get a pair with a soft sole that is comfortable, breathable and flexible.

Tips for Buying Shoes for Babies

Here are some tips that you must consider while buying newborn shoes for your little munchkin:

Do not make your baby wear shoes as soon as he begins walking, as this may hamper his balance and coordination. They need to feel everything under their feet to be able to balance better. 

Look for the signs that tell you your baby is ready to walk (this may happen somewhere from 7 to 18 months of age). As soon as you register that your baby is moving unaided, you may make the transition from pre-walking shoes to walking shoes.

It is important that you choose the right type of shoe that provides ample support to your baby’s feet. Get anti-slip, flexible soles and lightweight shoes for your baby.

Get a pair that fits snug on the heels and the midfoot. The shoes should neither be too big nor too small. Buy the one that has just enough room for your little one to wiggle his toes after wearing the shoes.

You should buy shoes that may allow your baby’s feet to breathe; therefore, synthetic materials should be avoided. Go for good quality mesh or leather shoes instead.

You should pay heed to the fit, too. The shoes should neither be too tight nor loose and should fit perfectly.

Babies grow very quickly, and thus, they may need a change in size way sooner than you thank. Therefore, you should be able to establish when your baby needs to move up a size.

Choose the shoe fasteners properly for your baby. There are straps, velcro and laces to choose from.

Lastly, your baby’s comfort holds more priority than his appearance, so pick up a shoe for its comfort and not its looks.

You may opt for hard-soled shoes when your baby is comfortable walking without any support and when you plan to take your baby outdoors for a walk.

However, if you have other concerns or queries about shoes for babies, you may consult a pediatrician, who could advise you on the right time and the right fit for your baby’s first pair of shoes.


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